Next Courses
SAT (2 days)
Fields and Levels (2 days)
April 25th - April 28th 2025
​SAT course will run first (Friday 25th - Saturday 26th) followed by Fields and Levels (Sunday 27th - Monday 28th).
Single course price is £400. Both courses £750
Course Location
Fellside Centre, Kendal, Cumbria, England, United Kingdom
Course Times
09.00 - 17.30
Feedback from May 2022 courses...
"Thank you and Gez again for a healing journey of discovery into so many worlds in and around and through the body. Magical and inspiring……it was something new and incredibly enriching”
"We just wanted to say we are really thankful for having met you both and attended your practice changing courses. You created such a fantastic energy even the birds loved it…. we both feel like this
"This is the start of something special and we would like to stay in contact and join you in the future"
"Thank you both for such an inspiring course. It was so enjoyable to explore the art and spirit of osteopathy and push those boundaries. The location was ideal and your support and encouragement was greatly appreciated"
Feedback from May 2023 courses...
I thoroughly enjoyed being part of that nourishing group!
Just wanted to say Thank You so much for last weeks SAT course. Myself and Sue absolutely loved it. It’s definitely clicked something in my brain. I’ve performed my first sacral toggle on a patient this morning and they walked out like I’ve never seen them do before. We can’t wait to return for the Fields and Levels course.
Thanks so much for organising the training again; I got so much out of it - it felt very deep and transformative. In fact it feels like it’s taken me all week to recover - usually a sign! A really wonderful group energy as well.
Feedback from June/July 2024 courses...
I am really loving the CSF ventricle treatment, I have used it a few times on patients yesterday and today.
Thank you so much for organising a thought-provoking, inspiring and warm-hearted course. I enjoyed it immensely and was very grateful to you both