Gez Lamb D.O.
Gez has over 40 years experience as an osteopath and was tutored personally by Tom Dummer, the founder of Specific Adjustment Technique (SAT) which is a sublime blending of osteopathic manipulative principles specially suited to the correction of blocks to free mobility of spinal segments especially following trauma such as whiplash, falls and blows to the head.
Gez has tutored over 3 generations of osteopathic students in the refined art of resolution of neck trauma. He has witnessed many near ‘miraculous’ transformations from a life of pain to a life of freedom from pain by applying the principles of SAT.
He has taught SAT seminars for 38 years in seven European countries and in Canada. He is currently teaching the technique in Moscow. He is regarded as the leading SAT practitioner in Europe.
In collaboration with Cliff Conway, he is now running CPD training for osteopaths in SAT with a view to helping SAT become more widely recognised across the UK. We estimated there were around 7 practising SAT osteopaths around the whole of the UK prior to beginning the new regime of courses, We have tripled that number with two series of courses in 2018/2019.
The training of new SAT osteopaths is vital to the vision of Tom Dummer, which was his great legacy to the profession.
Gez still runs two very busy practices in London and has no plans to retire.
Cliff Conway BSc (Hons) Ost
I graduated from the European School of Osteopathy in 1996 as a mature student, after completing the four year degree course. I established my practice named ‘Still Point’ in the Lake District, which continues now in the ‘hands’ of my son James who also graduated from the ESO in 2018. I now work part time with him in ‘semi- retirement’.
I have spent the last 25 years working with SAT and helping people move on from chronic pain.
There are currently, according to Gez and I, around only 20 SAT practitioners in the UK and I am now enthusiastically involved in raising greater awareness of both SAT and Fields and Levels with Gez.
Our focus in training is to enhance practitioner understanding of individuals who have a history of pain and fatigue along with multiple symptoms representing musculoskeletal dysfunction plus functional disorders for which conventional medical treatments have failed to be less than effective.
Specific Adjusting Technique (SAT) has been a major influence on my treatment philosophy since my pre-graduate years. It has been a large part of my practice life and was passed on to me by Tom Dummer.
Tom was a revolutionary osteopath who developed SAT from its infancy in the 1950’s. He was the co-founder and principal of the European School of Osteopathy, a friend and second father to me.
Combined with cranial osteopathy, SAT is the most profound treatment approach for post traumatic situations – no matter how much time has passed since the traumatic incident. SAT addresses and balances Mind-Body-Spirit by reaching out to the Mind at the unconscious level.
SAT not only became my preferred model of treatment – it is my belief system and encompasses my whole life; the balance of Mind, Body and Spirit.
SAT aims to bring greater understanding and to address difficult patient presentations having a lifetime of chronic pain, symptoms and illness.
The legacy of Tom Dummer lives on through his lifetimes work; both now and in the future.
Footnote: From 1996-2010 I was registered with the General Osteopathic Council (GOsC). I then worked and was registered for eight years with the Association of Osteomyologists (TAO) whose founder, Dr Sir Alan Clemens was awarded a knighthood for services to complimentary medicine. Since semi retirement in August 2018, I now work independently as an SAT, Cranial and Manipulative therapist.